world mission society church of god new jersey ridgewood national boss day 03

Boss Appreciation Brunch

The World Mission Society Church of God in Ridgewood hosted a boss appreciation brunch to honor their bosses in commemoration of National Boss’s Day. Church of God members are encouraged to follow the example of Christ. They strive to show love to their neighbors, the community and—you guessed it—their bosses. The demands of being a boss or manager can easily take a toll on one’s personal life. Nevertheless, several bosses took the time out of their busy schedules to attend this brunch in October.

Church members prepared a delicious buffet style brunch for all the guests. Everyone’s favorite breakfast foods were set out on the table, including French toast, scrambled eggs, and muffins.

“This is such a beautiful church, it’s absolutely beautiful,” said one of the managers who had attended the brunch. “Each and every one of you are so kind and welcoming. I’m so happy I took the time to come.”

To break the ice, the event got rolling with funny commercials showing the great lengths people take to avoid their bosses. Some commercials comically depicted how excited employees are when their bosses call out from work. Everybody, included bosses and their employees, roared with laughter.

The next video showed how over 1,000 World Mission Society Church of God members became part of a certified emergency response team. The volunteers received training to be able to respond in the event of any disaster occurring within their community. During the last featured video, tears rolled down the faces of all attendees as they watched the Hurricane Sandy video. The video documented the selfless acts of helping neighbors in need throughout the tri-state area after the devastating storm. This was especially touching to one of the attendees who remembered seeing the volunteer work.

“After Sandy, I went to visit my daughter in Staten Island and remember seeing people with yellow shirts handing out food to victims of the storm,” exclaimed one of the bosses who was invited by a Church member. “It was you guys!”

All of the bosses and managers in attendance were greatly moved, and even overwhelmed by the Church members’ hospitality. In fact, throughout the course of the day, many expressed that they felt appreciation, not only from their workers, but also from other Church members.

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