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Christ Ahnsahnghong

Second Coming Christ and Last Judgment

Christ Must Come a Second Time Before the Last Judgment

Many Christians expect both judgment and salvation when Christ returns. However, according to (Lk 21:27–31), Jesus indicated that immediate salvation wouldn’t happen upon his second coming; instead, he urged his followers to stand up, and be prepared, as salvation was drawing near.

Similar to the times of Noah and Lot, God provided a place of salvation before destruction. It is God’s plan that, before the last judgment, His people will find refuge for safety. The necessity for Christ’s second coming before judgment aligns with the prophecy of the weeds and wheat (Mt 13:24-30, 36–42).

At Christ’s first coming, He introduced the truth of the New Covenant. Yet, after the Apostolic Age, lawlessness and false teachings emerged and infiltrated the churches. As the faith of the Early Church disappeared (Lk 18:8), Christ promised a second coming to gather His elect (Mt 24:31) and restore the truth of the gospel.

“So Christ was sacrificed to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

Hebrews 9:28

Christ Ahnsahnghong has appeared a second time and restored the truths of the earth church, establishing Zion as the place of refuge before the impending destruction.

Learn more about God’s second coming.

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