Mega Blood Drive for Passover in Ridgewood
Every year, the World Mission Society Church of God around the world holds blood drives to raise awareness about the New Covenant Passover. The Church of God in Ridgewood participated in the worldwide movement this year as well.
On Sunday, April 15, 2018, the Church of God in Ridgewood held its blood drive, in addition to other locations, including the churches in Boston and Miami. Registration began promptly at 9 a.m., and donors poured in until the late afternoon. Everybody from the church members to friends to family to neighbors came to donate blood.

Saving Lives by Donating Blood
One pint of blood collected from a single donor can save up to three lives. The willingness of one individual to give a pint of their own blood can have a long-lasting impact on the life of another person. The message in the value of one human life is important in every aspect, especially when it comes to living a life as a Christian.
Valuing the lives of another person just as precious as yours is the meaning of God’s coming to this earth, both at his first coming and second coming. For this reason, the Church of God aims to spread the message of love through Christ’s blood, which is contained in the Passover to save mankind.
Mary Conrad, the Director of Community Blood Services, spoke the following about working with the church volunteers and donors: “The Church of God was phenomenal! They helped us 100%. I can’t explain how our staff just rallied with all the members.”
The New Covenant Passover
In the church lobby, guests were led through a display of various panels explaining the importance of the Passover and the gift of eternal life we can receive when we participate in it. Many attendees were not only moved by the mass effort to help save the lives of others—they were also moved by the sacrifice of Jesus as seen through the Passover.

Local Community Leaders Rally Support
Council President Manny Grova of Elizabeth, NJ visited the church after working with church members in March for an environmental clean-up in Jackson Park in Union County, NJ. Councilman James Kontolios of Ridgefield, NJ came out to show his support and expressed his thankfulness to the church for all their efforts, mentioning he would visit again soon.
Mayor Richard Goldberg of Hawthorne, NJ also visited the church to show support after having worked with them previously during a volunteer campaign hosted by the church entitled Socks for Soldiers.
Mayor Goldberg stated, “What I really appreciate is the commitment you’re showing in your church and to your fellow human beings, whether you know them or don’t know them. You know that it’s a mission to try and make everyone’s life better because if you make their lives better, you make your lives better.”

The Results
By the conclusion of the drive, 143 persons provided a blood donation, collecting approximately 163 pints of blood. The eagerness of the volunteers to help was evident throughout the day, as donor after donor registered in the hopes of giving a donation to help with the blood bank supply. The World Mission Society Church of God plans to continue their drives in other locations throughout the month of April, including drives taking place next Sunday in New York, Virginia and North Carolina.
One Response
I remember taking part in this blood drive – the staff was great and the church provided snacks and water for those who had donated. It was such a great experience to see so many volunteers happy to take part in something so great. Can’t wait for the blood drive in 2019!