world mission society church of god new jersey bogota insight into the soul seminar 02

Insight Into the Soul Bible Seminar

On Thursday, August 25, the Church of God in Bogota, NJ hosted a Bible seminar. With the title being “Insight Into the Soul”, the seminar primarily focused on the soul’s existence. Members invited guests, such as their families, friends and acquaintances, to the seminar. Moreover, some of the members themselves spent much time preparing the presentation to be shown during the seminar. Meanwhile, other members prepared a banquet with various foods for the guests to enjoy.

The seminar presenters kicked things off with a video about the Queen’s Award. In July 2016, the Church of God received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service from Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen’s Award is the highest award a volunteer group can receive in the U.K. Church of God volunteers all around the world are celebrating the reception of the award, which came as a result of the World Mission Society Church of God’s consistent community service initiatives.

Next, once all of the guests had arrived, the seminar officially began. The presentation consisted of an in-depth look at the soul through the Bible. The presenters explained the origin of the soul, and what happens to us when we pass away. Many of the guests were curious to learn the answers to the two questions posed at the end of the seminar: “Why do our souls put on flesh?” and “How can we go back to the kingdom of heaven?” As a result, some guests scheduled follow-up Bible studies to find out the answers to these questions.

As the purpose of this seminar was to let people know the existence of the soul, several of the guests were happy to learn that the soul is in fact real. To learn more about the teachings of the Church of God in Bogota, or to schedule a Bible study, please feel free to contact us.

world mission society church of god, wmscog, Christian, Bogota, NJ, New Jersey, soul, spirit, existence, origin, Bible, seminar, education

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