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Social Service

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Awareness raising

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victim relief

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Environmental Protection

About ASEZ

Join ASEZ, the university student volunteer group of the World Mission Society Church of God, as they tackle global challenges and emerge as leaders of the future. Actively working to turn the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into reality, ASEZ has made a lasting impact on 160 campuses and neighboring communities worldwide. Be a part of empowering these future leaders to actively contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive world. 

The future is now!

Reduce Crime Together​

According to the Broken Windows Theory, visible signs of disorder, such as litter or graffiti, instigate criminal activity. Studies have also shown a correlation between neighborhood cleanliness and reduced crime. With this in mind, ASEZ university students help their campuses and communities to promote peace and happiness.

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ASEZ Blue Carbon (ABC) Campaign  

ASEZ students worldwide take proactive steps in the ASEZ Blue Carbon (ABC) campaign by participating in environmental waterway cleanups. The campaign aims to preserve coastal, sea, and marine ecosystems. ASEZ volunteers partner with their campuses to organize cleanups in their local areas, actively playing a role in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and slowing the pace of global warming. Learn how you can make a positive impact on our planet 


ASEZ hosts forums as a platform for all members of the community, including residents, officials and students, to discuss critical issues and how they can work together to tackle them. Topics include crime reduction and the importance of youth engagement. Volunteers hope to inspire classmates and neighbors to participate in the movement to Save the Earth from A to Z—from the beginning to the end.

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To raise awareness of local and global matters, ASEZ volunteers also partner with government officials and municipalities. Thousands of dignitaries and entities around the world have signed agreements and memorandums of understanding with ASEZ. They pledge to support the volunteers’ activities in their communities and their efforts to accomplish the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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