Elohim God
Q: What does “Elohim” mean? A: According to the Hebrew/Aramaic Dictionary, Elohim is the plural word for El or Eloah, meaning Gods.
Q: What does “Elohim” mean? A: According to the Hebrew/Aramaic Dictionary, Elohim is the plural word for El or Eloah, meaning Gods.
Q: What is the gospel? A: The gospel is the good news of salvation that Jesus preached on Earth.
Q: How can I be saved and resurrected to Heaven? A: The Bible describes two types of resurrections: the resurrection of life for the saved and the resurrection of judgment for the unsaved
Q: What is the origin of Valentine’s Day? A: Valentine’s Day traces its roots back about 2,000 years to the ancient Roman Festival called Lupercalia, dedicated to the pagan god Lupercus and celebrated annually from February 13-15.
Q: Is God the Mother a teaching in Christianity? A: Evidence of God the Mother spans the entirety of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Q: Doesn’t the Bride refer to the church? A: While the term “bride” is sometimes associated with the church in certain Bible verses, it’s crucial to consider the context.
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